On May 5th, Rhydian Sandbrook will run the Newport Marathon in South Wales. While Rhydian recently completed the Newport half, this will be his first full-length marathon and it has a very personal meaning for him.

The money he raises will be split between Cecily's Fund and Prostate Cymru, a charity based in Wales which is helping in the fight against prostate cancer. Rhydian has a strong connection with each cause: his father in law, David, sadly died in July 2018 and had been a longtime supporter of Cecily's Fund. His own father has been helped by Prostate Cymru, after his own diagnosis.

Cecily's Fund supporters may remember that Rhydian's sister-in-law, Sarah, ran the London Marathon for us back in 2014. 

We're so grateful that Rhydian has chosen to take on this challenge and to raise money for us - please help Rhydian reach (and exceed!) his £300 fundraising target so that a fantastic total can be raised for both Cecily's Fund and the vital work of Prostate Cymru.

Click here to sponsor Rhydian

Cecily's Fund registered charity in England and Wales (No. 1208951). Cecily's Fund, PO Box 811, BANBURY, OX16 6TQ We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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