The abrupt withdrawal of USAID from Zambia and other developing countries has sent shockwaves through the country's already fragile education and health sectors. As one of the largest donors in Zambia, USAID’S sudden halt in funding has raised significant concerns about the future of critical health programs, particularly those targeting HIV and tuberculosis treatment.

The US government's decision to suspend funding for international development programmes, including those in Zambia, has left Cecily's Fund and other NGOs, filling the void left by the absence of USAID. The impact on vulnerable communities, especially those reliant the programmes funded by them, is profound.

Cecily's Fund, along with other NGOs, is committed to stepping up efforts to support these vulnerable communities. Our mission has always been to provide essential services and support to those in need, and this recent development only strengthens our resolve. We are continuing to actively seek alternative funding sources and partnerships to ensure that our programmes continue to operate without interruption.

The withdrawal of USAID highlights the critical role that NGOs like Cecily’s Fund play in filling gaps left by institutional donors. It also underscores the importance of sustainable, long-term solutions to health and development challenges in Zambia. As we navigate this challenging period, we call on the global community and our supporters to join us in supporting Zambia's most vulnerable populations. Together, we can make a difference to the lives of orphans and young people living in vulnerable communities.

To find out more about US Aid’s withdrawal from developing countries like Zambia, please read more on the BBC website here:

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