The Stepping Stones Christmas Give! Helping Children Back to School

As schools reopen, we are aiming to help as many children as possible to return to school and gain the education they deserve through our Stepping Stones Christmas Give! Helping Children Back to School.

Our target of £25,000 is challenging in these difficult times but we hope that through our efforts, the most disadvantaged children will not be left behind.  The power of education provided by your support can be witnessed through our alumni feature on Dr Francis. 

To enjoy reading, view it online here or you can download it by clicking the button above!

As ever, Cecily's Fund is extremely grateful for your continuous support.

Cecily's Fund registered charity in England and Wales (No. 1208951). Cecily's Fund, PO Box 811, BANBURY, OX16 6TQ We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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