Unlocking potential in girls and their mothers

This three-year programme funded by USAID/Pepfar aimed to reduce high incidences of HIV found amongst adolescent girls living in Chingola in Zambia’s Copperbelt. Cecily’s Fund developed and implemented a flagship project helping 900 vulnerable adolescent girls who had previously dropped out of school but were enabled to return and complete their education.  

The project also supported mothers with training in entrepreneurship development alongside their daughters. This enabled them to support each other and learn ways to bring income to the family and pay for school fees. We provided additional information and training in basic rights, how to avoid HIV and other reproductive health matters that empowered both girls and their mothers. This enabled them to make informed decisions about their health and be financially independent giving more motivation for daughters to complete their education. 

Girls also attended Peer Education sessions at school which complemented other activities, so that they remained motivated to continue with education, be more resilient, and have greater self-confidence in their own ability to succeed. 


900 girls living in Chingola who had previously dropped out of school returned to complete their education. This helped them to make informed decisions.

97% of girls who returned to school learned how to protect themselves from HIV and understand their human rights.

300 parent/guardians received entrepreneurship training and 100 new small businesses were formed.

Cecily's Fund registered charity in England and Wales (No. 1208951). Cecily's Fund, PO Box 811, BANBURY, OX16 6TQ We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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