“Children are one-third of our population and all of our future.”

~ Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health, 1981


Happy International Children's Day!

Cecily's Fund will always have the children of Zambia as the core focus of our vision. We will stop at nothing, to make sure no child is left behind and that the poorest and most vulnerable, disadvantaged children are reached and given the care and support they deserve.


Please help us change the lives of thousands of children who desperately need our help. Why not buy the gift of Education by supporting our Stepping Stones Christmas Give! Helping Children Back to School! Any amount given will make a difference. Click here to donate: Stepping Stones ChristmasGive! Helping Children Back to School

You can also shop for Gifts of Hope on our online store, here: Shop | Gifts of Hope


Thank you for your support. #betteerbrighterfutures #educatingzambianorphans #steppingstoneschristmasgive #InternationalChildrensDay

Cecily's Fund registered charity in England and Wales (No. 1208951). Cecily's Fund, PO Box 811, BANBURY, OX16 6TQ We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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