We are thrilled to have secured critical grant funding of £11k in the last few weeks to help us work more closely with our partners on the ground in Zambia. We wanted to acknowledge these grants and to say thank you to the Trusts who have bestowed them.

Our thanks to: The DLM Trust, Peter Stebbings Trust, Bryan Guinness Trust, The Doris Field Trust, and the Eleanor Rathbone Charitable Trust.

The support of these grant makers is a validation of the great work we are doing in Zambia and of our ambitions to achieve more for young orphans and vulnerable children as we work hard to break the cycle of poverty that constrains many young Zambians.

We’ve helped thousands of children since we began working in Zambia in 1998. Our fundraising helps children get the things they need to go to school, like uniforms and shoes, and through a Peer Health Education programme we are give orphaned young people role models and access to vital health information that saves lives. We work with women and girls to inspire changes in attitudes to women, reduce gender-based violence and address period poverty.

You can read more about our programmes here

Cecily's Fund registered charity in England and Wales (No. 1208951). Cecily's Fund, PO Box 811, BANBURY, OX16 6TQ We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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